INSPOA Laboratório de Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal

About us

Former Members

Rafael Bombachi

Master training in the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine, UFV. Current inspector in IMA.

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Milimani Andretta

Master and Doctorate training in the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine, UFV. Current inspector in INDEA-MT.

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Francielly Soares Oliveira

Doctorate training in the Graduate Program in Food Science and Technology, UFV.

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Mírian Pereira da Silva

Doctorate training in the Graduate Program in Food Science and Technology, UFV.

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Flaviana Antunes Sousa

Master training in the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine, UFV.

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Natália Ferreira de Araújo

Master training in the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine, UFV.

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Weyber Ferreira de Souza

Master training in the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine, UFV.

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Mallu Jagnow Sereno

Doctorate training in the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine, UFV.

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Leticia Rocha Ferreira

Masters and Doctorate training in the Graduate Program in Food Science and Technology, UFV.

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Juliana Líbero Grossi

Undergraduated and Graduated in Veterinary Medicine: Defense in 2021 February.

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Natália Parma Augusto de Castilho

Natália developed her training in InsPOA as intern, Graduate student (Master and Doctorate) and post-doctorate, working with lactic acid bacteria.

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Valéria Quintana Cavicchioli

Graduate (Master and Doctorate) and post-doctorate training in InsPOA, linked to the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine, working with lactic acid bacteria. Professor of food inspection in UNIFENAS, Alfenas, MG, between 2020 March and 2022. Professor of Food Inspection in the Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiania, GO, since 2022.

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Cibeli Viana

Cibeli finished her training in InsPOA, with a sandwich period in the Washington State University (Pullman, WA) in 2020 February, in the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine, UFV.

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Thaiza Teixeira de Almeida

Finished her Master training in InsPOA, linked to Graduate Program in Food Science and Technology, in 2020 February.

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Bruno Melo Gaspar

Master in Veterinary Medicine, in 2019 July.

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Danilo Augusto Lopes da Silva

Master (2015) and Doctorate (2019) in Veterinary Medicine, UFV, with academic activities developed at the InsPOA.

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Luana Martins Perin

Training in InsPOA: undegraduate student (2008-2009), Master (2011), Doctorate (2014, with sandwich period in the Università degli Studi di Torino) and post-doctorate (2014-2015 and 2016-2019).

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Luana Almeida Nunes Souza

Master (2016) in Veterinary Medicine, UFV, with academic activities developed at the InsPOA.

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Natália Lourenço Romanholi

Master (2018) in Veterinary Medicine, UFV, with academic activities developed at the InsPOA. She is currently enrolled in the federal food inspection service, Ministry of Agriculture.

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Svetoslav Dimitrov Todorov

Visiting researcher in InsPOA (CNPq, 2014-2016; FAPEMIG, 2016-2018). Professor in USP.

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Mariane Rezende Dias

Undegraduate training and Master (2015) in Veterinary Medicine, UFV, with academic activities developed at the InsPOA. She is currently enrolled in the federal food inspection service, Ministry of Agriculture.

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Raquel Cristina Konrad Burin

After her Master defense (2014), Raquel was the coordinator of poultry slaughtering in C.Vale up to 2015, when she started her PhD training in the Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA.

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Fábio Alessandro Pieri

After his post-doctorate training in InsPOA (2013-2014), started his professional activity as professor in the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Campus Governador Valadares, in microbiology.

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Gabriela Nogueira Viçosa

Finished her undergraduate (2010) and Master (2012) training in InsPOA, being professor in microbiology for the Universidade Federal de Alfenas (MG). After her Doctorate training in Università degli Studi di Torino (2014 - 2017), develops her post-doctorate training in medical microbiology in the Instituto de Microbiologia Paulo de Góes, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

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Andrea Lafisca

After his training in InsPOA (Master, 2011), Andrea was professor in IF Sertão Pernambucano (2011 to 2013) and started his Doctorate training in 2015, Universidade Estadual Norte Fluminense (UENF).

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Marcus Vinícius Coutinho Cossi

After undegraduate, Master (2011) and Doctorate (2014) training, Marcus started his academic activities as professor of food inspection in the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, MG.

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Paula Mendonça de Moraes

After her training in undergraduate (2009) and Master (2011), started her academic activities as administrative assistant in the Comission of Ethics in Animal Use from the Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro.

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Carolina Milner Merhi

After her Master training (2011), Carolina was enrolled as instructor in the Centro de Tecnologia Alimentos e Bebidas - Senai/RJ up to 2014. Then, started her activities in the epidemiological vigilance from Porto Velho, RO.

Newton Nascentes Galvão

After his Master defense (2011), started his professional activities as food inspector from IMA (2018) and MAPA.

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Maria Beatriz Tassinari Ortolani

After her Master defense (2009), developed professional activities at Nestlé and AgriPoint, being currently enrolled in Ceva.

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Beatriz Garbelotti Matias Brand

After her defense (Master, 2008), she was enrolled as researcher in USDA (Plum Island Animal Disease Center), and then in Chembio Diagnostic Systems (Long Island, NY). Bia is also a photographer.

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